The current marijuana environment can make it hard to know if it is safe or not. What you need to know is that teens and adults are impacted differently. To help, here are some talking points:

  • In Illinois, marijuana has only been approved for medicinal use and even in states where recreational use is allowed, the legal age is 21 as it is for alcohol.
  • The Academy of Pediatrics was not going to authorize any youth use because of where the brain is at developmentally. There is concern over both short and long term damage. They have relented only in extreme cases.
  • A teen’s brain is primed for learning. Unfortunately, addiction is learned. This why 90% of addictions have roots in the teen years. It can take teen only months to develop a full blown addiction whereas it could take an adult years.
  • Research suggests marijuana use during the teen years:
    •  Can lead to an 8 point drop in IQ.
    • Is strongly correlated with Schizophrenia and other mental health issues including anxiety and depression.
    • The high THC levels are causing:
      •  Addictions to form quicker.
      • Consequences to be greater, especially when coupled with alcohol.
      • Psychotic breaks – sending many to the ER