The Community Rights & Responsibilities (CR&R) unit of the Dean of Students Office at Illinois State University feels that it is important to provide for the comprehensive education of our students.

The Community Rights & Responsibilities (CR&R) unit of the Dean of Students Office at Illinois State University feels that it is important to provide for the comprehensive education of our students.We are seeking to address an existing gap in our process. We recognize that there was not a clear method for community members and others to submit information or concerns to us about our students or incidents. So, in transitioning to our new database and processing system, we sought to fill that gap. By creating this form, our hope is to improve the communication and the opportunity to address concerning behavior(s) within our community whether through a letter, conversation, and/or conflict resolution processes.

Individuals need only click on the link below to provide their information, relevant details they have about the individual(s) involved, the location, and facts about the incident.

The form will then auto-submit to our conduct system, alerting a CR&R staff member to the submission. A case manager will then be assigned to address the incident, and you may be contacted for follow-up. For more information, feel free to contact a representative of CR&R at 309-438-8621.