Bloomington/Normal Community Campus Committee is determined to counter binge drinking through campus and community partnerships.
As excitement enters the air, parents and teens have so many things to consider as they prepare for the night: hair, clothes, flowers… With all of this to think about, BN Parents wants to make sure parents remember to have conversations with their teens about alcohol and discuss ways to handle risky situations that involve alcohol.
For this reason, partnerships have been formed with all of the Bloomington-Normal high schools and many of the local florists to get information to parents to assist with planning for the big night. The ultimate goal is to encourage critical thinking and planning before the event. Some of the key items BN Parents suggests adding to the to-do list include:
It might also be wise to remind them:
More detailed information can be found at Additionally, Parents of juniors and seniors can expect to receive a postcard in the mail 2-3 weeks prior to the event reminding them to talk with their teen about alcohol along with some tips for successful planning with their teen. On many of the schools’ websites, a Prom Night Agreement can be downloaded and utilized as a planning tool to ensure a safe evening. At the florists, parents will find another reminder with some last minutes tips as their teens head out for the evening.